Endlessly, by Kiersten White is the third installment of the Paranormalcy series.
I had to coerce my hubby into letting me spend any money this month and, of course, I just had to buy the final book in this series. Kiersten White has a way of taking the mundane and adding spice. There really isn't a dull moment in this book. I had very little to complain about while reading, most of which really isn't worth mentioning because it's such a charming story.
Here is the synopsis from Amazon:
If I want to be nit-picky about things, I would have to say that there wasn't enough time given to the villains in the this book. And perhaps there was one too many. Also, I love Kiersten dearly, but in the end it was a little too un-seriuos for me and unfocused entering the climax, but definitely not something to keep anyone away from reading this book. She reins things in and gives you a great twisty ending. And, not giving any spoilers, I love the creative way she introduces road blocks to the main characters. Perhaps I am blind, (I think I see pretty clearly, I think), but she really does a good job of camouflaging who is doing what to Evie. Great work, Kiersten! You don't always get a finale book like this that is at least as good of quality as the first two, if not better. That was my gripe with the Maze Runner series. I LOVE James Dashner, but the end book seemed to kind of poop out for me. This one didn't. And I think everyone will be satisfied.
So, please go out and support my friend and buy this book. Not to sound all LaVar on you, but really do. =)
I haven't read this series yet. I've been meaning to, really I have, but I haven't found the time. Sounds like I'll have to! :)
You definitely should! It is a great, fun read!
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