Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sometimes you just need ...

A break.

Okay, this is painful. The holidays have come. We are in the thick of it now. With visiting family and friends, creating things both colunary and giftwise, I am up to my earlobes busy. So... I have decided to take a haitus from writing and refresh my creativity bank whilst enjoying the yuletide splendor. And this is what I came up with. A song that reflects how I am missing my MS. Oh how I miss writing. It is devilishly difficult to ignore a lonely child.

Here goes...

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HA! Yes, I miss you dear sweet MS, but I will be back to you soon enough, hopefully before you can say Happy New Year!

Something else I did (because I just can't stay away from everything literary) was check out YouTube for a video with Bree Despain, author of THE DARK DIVINE and THE LOST SAINT. This video was of her at The Kings English Bookshop talking about her books and answering questions. I found it very enlightening and helpful. Her road, though different, paralells mine. Which means I have just a few more years before publication. Hahaha. (We can only hope).

But one thing she said stood out to me, and that was when she had to take a step back from her MS and write something else. I have been trying to implement that idea, and though I don't feel inspired yet enough to begin actually writing another story (I have tried twice), I have at least been writing outlines for other projects and maybe those will lead to something else down the road.

Here is the interview for those interested. I think it is well worth your time.

I hope this helps others like me who are hitting a road block or are trying to savor their family relationships. Some people say, 'Write write write,' but I say it is okay to take a break when one needs to. So sit Indian style on the floor, rest the back of your hands on your knees, touch thumb to middle finger and repeat after me...

Just kidding. I'm not crazy...yet.

1 comment:

storyqueen said...

I will often work on a couple of mss at a time...if something isn't going well with one, I switch to the other.

However, that only works in the first draft stage. If I am revising, I have to stick with the one until I can make it all work.
