Monday, November 22, 2010


I just wanted to thank Neal and Aaron again for coming out and doing a guest blog post about their new graphic novel which comes out tomorrow.

And now for the winner of the bug caricature....


Thanks Regina for commenting. Please get a hold of me with your mailing address and a picture you want bugitured =). Thanks for everyone else who came by, whether you commented or not. We had a lot of hits.

Now, it's into the real world I go, getting ready for my Thanksgiving company this week and, Oh yeah, CHRISTMAS!! Yeah! So Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas. I doubt I will be around the blogosphere much for the next couple of months, but I could surprise you. Hope you all stay safe and have a great holiday season!

1 comment:

neilnumberman said...

Cool! Looking forward to bugifying you Regina! And thanks so much Kathryn for letting us be your guests for a day!