Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SLAYERS book review

Title: Slayers
Author: C.J. Hill
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult
Release Date: 09/27/11
Summary:Dragons exist. They’re ferocious. And they’re smart: Before they were killed off by slayer-knights, they rendered a select group of eggs dormant, so their offspring would survive. Only a handful of people know about this, let alone believe it –- these “Slayers” are descended from the original knights, and are now a diverse group of teens that includes Tori, a smart but spoiled senator’s daughter who didn’t sign up to save the world.

The dragon eggs have fallen into the wrong hands. The Slayers must work together to stop the eggs from hatching. They will fight; they will fall in love. But will they survive?

After a long bout with the Holiday season and finishing up another series, I finally got around to reading this little gem. Janette Rallison, who has been a favorite of mine for some time now, started writing under the Pseudonym, C.J. Hill. The series SLAYERS has taken a slight turn from Rallison's quirky light-hearted style into a more fierce Dragon appropriate stance. She's still up there with the appropriate teen humor, but Rallison has upped the anti, appealing to the thrill seekers out there.

SLAYERS got me from the start. I don't know any other author that can make you love a prim-dona as much as she can. Tori (MC) is a Senator's daughter and as such is expected to act a certain way. She's lived a certain way of life. And the dragon camp she's aching to go to doesn't live up to the pampered way of life she is used to living. With dirt everywhere, shower time limits, and no better use for her hairdryer than as a door stop and other sporty-type girls who can't stand her at first sight, Tori is ready to give up, go home, and let her sister win a bet that Tori just isn't tough enough to stick it out.

But two things stop Tori from going through with her plans to sneak away. A cute guy named Jesse, and finding out the fact that she has super-human powers that she could use to save countless peoples' lives should dragons attack. Her father, the Senator, has taught her one thing: that sometimes others are more important than ourselves. These teens are depending on her, as well as countless individuals who don't even know their lives are in danger.

After accepting the challenge, Tori's life is put in immediate risk, and not everyone is who they appear to be. This book doesn't let the reader down. Rallison takes you through Tori and the other Slayers' trials of preparing for battle, while rollercoastering you through what is shaping up to be a great romance as well. This book will appeal to girls and guys alike and is set in alternating POVs, both male and female. The tension is there, the fight is on, so get ready for a great ride!

All I can say is that when I finished this book I was really upset that I would have to wait who knows how long for the next installment of this excellent series. I've said it before, but I'm definitely a life long fan of Rallison/Hill's. She's an amazing writer and a great person to learn from as I try to become published myself. If you're looking for a great read or if you you're an aspiring writer like I am, you will love this book and anything else Rallison writes. Her books are clean, yet exciting, have interesting premises and constant quirkiness.


Everyday Sparkles said...

I love how much you love books and that I can visit for good book reviews. Hugs, Jeni

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Awe, thanks, Jeni!