Friday, April 6, 2012

The Long Road of Revision

So, a while back I made a goal of having my book entirely finished, edits and all, and ready to submit. Well, let's just say that I have a really really good excuse. I don't really like talking about personal stuff on here, but the thing is, life happens. On Monday I will be having some pretty major surgery done and will be out for the good part of two months. During all the icky stuff I've had to put up with, I've gone to the laptop in rare moments of dementia, pulled up my document and stared at the words on the screen until they faded into black and I saw the inside of my eyelids for countless ions of time.

You know the feeling. I know you do. You're such a caring, compassionate composite of humanity. Tell me you've been there. I know you have! We all get there. The thing is, I can't let this pull me down. Just because my plans were thwarted doesn't mean I'm going to change sides, become the ultimate super-villain, who must destroy everything that comes in his/her (trying to be gender correct here) way!

NO! Sickness is the villain!

And so, while I recover, I vow (to myself, yeah, right here in my head will do) to spend hours upon hours of perfecting my nameless wonder (that for now I am calling I AM THE SECRET...because, really, it is going to be a huge secret how I'm ever going to pull this off). And when I return to the blog I will astound you with my...perfectness.

Yeah. That's just what I'll do.

So, take care. Listen to this lady...she'll tell you all about how to get it done....

Yes, this is what I have been spending my time doing. It's funny, I can still draw and paint even when I can't concentrate on anything else. I guess it's time to give in and become an author/illustrator instead of doing just YA....Yeah, maybe not.


Natalie Aguirre said...

Take care of yourself and read some good books when you don't feel well enough to write. And don't worry. We all have those times when we can't meet the goals we thought we could get done.

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Thanks Natalie. I might just have to start the Hunger Games series over again.

Bonnie @ A Backwards Story said...

I hope things work out and you come back better than ever!

Fun fact: Lauren DeStefano wrote the entire (or almost entire, I forget) first draft of WITHER while sick!

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Thanks. I needed to hear that actually! Gives me hope that I can accomplish something. =)

David P. King said...

Surgery is never fun. Recover soon (and remember to add this experience to your list of writing fodder). :)

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Thanks David. Yeah, I wonder where I could add this into a YA novel =)