Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just some random awesomeness

Simple post today. I'm going on vacation and won't be back for a couple of weeks, so I thought I'd leave you with some cool pics I found on the web. 

 Now that is a bookshelf!

 Very sad bookshelf =( 

Cool book art.

And that's all for me! Hope you have an inspired week and make a lot of progress on your own projects. If I'm lucky I will do a lot of revisions this trip (long drives). Can't wait!

Also, I jipped everyone out of a great book review, so just another quick pic:

If you haven't started this trilogy yet, I would highly recommend it! It's a clean and very entertaining read! Kiersten White is an awesome chick with great style and I hope you all support her. I'm really enjoying this series and can't wait for her last installment, ENDLESSLY coming out next year.

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