Monday, April 18, 2011

Peter Jackson and THE HOBBIT

Okay, I'm calming down.

So, a couple of people have posted this video that I have below, but I wanted to re-post it here in case you missed it and are as big a fan as I am of the LOTR series, and of course of Peter Jackson. I saw this YouTube video and couldn't believe I didn't know about it before. I guess Peter Jackson is doing a whole Vlog series leading up to the release of the HOBBIT movie, in 2012. I, in all honesty, was about to dance out of my chair when I saw this. If any of you know me that well you know that in another life I would have sold everything I own to work in ANY capacity of this film or the LOTR series. It would have been my optimal career choice (had I not, well, had kids or a husband and could live around the world like a hermit working day and night without anyone to worry about me =).

So, without further ado, here is the video. If you are even half excited about this as I am I'm sure this post was worth doing. (That and I now have easy access to it on my blog and can watch it over and over again ...ignoring the drool...)
OKay, I'm yammering.... here you go!

I am ITCHING to see this!!! I know Peter Jackson will do a fabulous job. And BTW, doesn't he look great! Good job to Peter for losing so much weight! (Now I need to follow suit!)

Did I have enough exclamation points for ya in this post? If not I can add more!!!! =)

* As  side note, if you are curious and havn't looked yet, HERE is the casting list for the movie so far. Can anyone tell me what is up with Elijah Wood and Christopher Lee coming back? This is throwing me for a loop. Looks like a whole new element is going to be added, not from the book. I'm excited to see what happens there.


David P. King said...

You and me both. I can hardly wait for this one :)

Lori M. Lee said...


Jeff Beesler said...

Wow, this movie looks like it's going to rock. And this is merely based on the trailer and the promo picture at the start of the post. Thanks for following my blog. I'm returning the favor!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Movie is going to rock!
Thanks for the follow! Your widget for following isn't functioning properly, so I'll follow through Google Reader for now.

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Uh oh. Hope the widget works again soon. Try again! =) Thanks for the follow guys!