....except me. |
DID YOU KNOW that 98.9% of all authors have cats?
It's true!
Okay, I'm not sure if it's true. But it probably is. Maybe I should do a poll. Yes, maybe I shall.
What do you think? Is it requisite for authors to have a cat, or pet of some kind or other? Personally I would LOVE to have a cat. But, alas, my husband is alergic and therefore will not allow said animal in the house ( cue desperate crying plea). That said, he will allow us to have a small dog some day. Which will have to be good enough for me.
But why is this? Why is it that 98.2% of all authors are pet people? Or is it just that most people are pet people and I don't realize it? Or maybe writers are just such awesome, caring, loving people that they feel the need to share it with as many people/animals as they can? Like teachers. You know, they take care of small animals daily. Er, children. =). (Is this why we call them rug-rats? I have THREE btw, so I can say that affectionately =).
So, here is the poll. You can answer in the comments or off to the side in my side-bar-poll.
Are you an animal lover? Cats vs. Dogs? And tell me why you think it is that 97% of us talk about them
incessantly. Maybe the other 3% of us are merely jelous. Maybe.
*okay, I'm having technical difficulties. The poll on the side is hard to read because for some reason my template designer won't let me change it. So, sorry about that.
*okay, I'm having technical difficulties. The poll on the side is hard to read because for some reason my template designer won't let me change it. So, sorry about that.
What a fun post! I have two dogs, but I WANT a cat. So I will get one eventually... when my dogs are a little older b/c they're both under 1 year and a handful lol.
I've noticed that LOTS of writers are cat people. I'm no different; but we've got one of each. :)
It makes sense. hee hee
Writers can find inspiration for their characters...
A snobby, "You can pet me when I'm good and ready" bratty, "bow before me" attitude of a cat.
The loyal companion with puppy dog eyes that thinks you're the greatest thing walking on two legs.
Sounds like a good conflicting romance, eh? lol
Can I write that I'm not a pet person without being shunned by the writing community?
That being said, I have a wonderful, loyal American bulldog who is bigger than half my kids, and the sweetest cat in the world who patiently allows my two-year-old to love him.
Estee, you're funny. So, you have two pets, but you aren't a pet person? I think I agree, though. I used to LOVE animals, now they seem like a nusance sometimes. But I think if I got one I might feel differently. Who knows.
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